Infocom ltd is an international innovative engineering company in field of industrial automation, software development
INFOCOM LTD is an international innovative engineering company in field of industrial automation, software development, control systems designing, unmanned technologies, artificial intelligence and computer vision with offices in Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria and Kazakhstan.
For more than 25 years, Engineering company INFOCOM LTD has been working on Automation Control Processes on enterprises in Ukraine and in 40 countries all over the world for more than 25 years.
INFOCOM Ltd is an official partner of Siemens Ukraine,” Industry Automation and Drive Technologies” Department (IA&DT) starting from 1996. At the end of 2008 INFOCOM Ltd has become a member of the international Siemens program “Solution Partner Program” and received Siemens Solution Partner Automation status for the following modules:
- Automation Systems SIMATIC;
- Human Machine Interface SIMATIC HMI;
- Process Control System SIMATIC PCS7.

INFOCOM Ltd received a competency Data Management Solutions and starting from June 2009 is an official Microsoft Certified Partner.
Since 1996 INFOCOM Ltd had successfully implemented more than 600 projects on control systems and drives in various industries both in Ukraine and abroad.
INFOCOM Ltd Slovakia provides full range of services on bulding of vertically integrated automated control systems of production from encoders and actuating mechanisms up to MES level with integration into ERP system of an enterprise.
For cooperation and job offers – contact our specialists.
phone: +4212 333 25 787, email:
Posted on April